Global import export buy sell forest products, hardwood, softwood logs, timber, lumber, plywood, veneer, logging equipment, sawing machinery, employment.

Pine and Spruce T&G wall panelling

Pine and Spruce T&G wall panelling

July 20, 2023 / Radibel
Country: Belarus

| Wall Paneling, Siding, Cladding | Offer |

We can offer from our Belarus sawmill various kind of wall panelling. Species pine and spruce. Shape and sizes as per your request.


LLC "ZapadniyLes"

November 21, 2022 / OOO "ЗападныйЛес"
Country: Belarus

| Machine Rounded Logs | Offer |

Items from rounded wood from lighter assortment, used for support in agriculture, wooden constructions, equipping highways, gardens. Wood species: pine, spruce. Delivery term: FCA – Svisloch, Republic of Belarus.

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